/ Book a Stall 

Interested in being a stallholder?

If your wardrobe is bursting with clothing that has remained untouched for ages, it might be time to rethink its purpose. Instead of letting these garments gather dust, why not give them a second chance at life? By releasing them back into the world, not only will you be refreshing and decluttering your personal space, but you’ll also embrace the joy of gifting these pieces a new story. Selling these items offers a chance to pocket some cash and free yourself from items that no longer align with your style or needs. Moreover, participating in the market is not just about transactions—it’s an enjoyable day out, connecting with fellow fashion enthusiasts. If you’re contemplating setting up a stall, ensure you acquaint yourself with the Booking Process, FAQs, Stallholder Tips, and Booking Conditions beforehand.


Booking Process

Men's & Women's Pre-loved Fashion Stalls: open to online bookings

Lifestyle and Pamper Stalls (limited number of stalls to compliment our pre-loved stalls. Candles, make-up, body products, cakes, cookies, handmade or craft items, etc.): application by email only info@newtoyoumarkets.com

Food Vendor: application by email only info@newtoyoumarkets.com

  1. Select the "Book Now" button next to the market of your choice (in the "Future Markets" section below)
  2. Select the number of stalls you wish to book (prices vary depending on the size and location)

Stall bookings are for blank space. You need to bring everything you think you will need to set-up your stall; clothing racks, table, chair, display cases, tubs, signage, coat-hangers, price tags, etc.

Once booked you will receive your stall holders kit and set-up information.

Clothing racks can be hired during the booking process for $24.00 each

The racks hired, will be sitting in your stall ready to go before you arrive on market day

Stallholders, who do not wish to take their unsold stock home, can choose to donate items to our charity partners, who will collect the items from your stall at the end of market day.

Future marketS

Mark Your Calendars! Our upcoming market is a treasure trove of affordable, unique, and sustainable fashion finds, offering a curated selection of pre-loved men’s and women’s clothing and accessories.


Williamstown Town Hall
104 Ferguson St

17 NOVEMBER 2024

10:00am - 3:00pm


Join Wait List

/ Market Perks

Experience the New To You Difference!

Explore sustainable, affordable fashion with unique finds, vibrant community vibes, and convenient, accessible market locations


Sustainable Style Haven

Sustainable style meets unique fashion with our pre-loved men’s and women’s collections.


Budget-Friendly Fashion Finds

Experience the thrill of finding chic, affordable pieces that define your individual style.


Community-Centric Experience

Join a community of fashion lovers and eco-conscious shoppers at our markets.


Accessible Locations

Shop at our convenient, easily accessible venues near public transit and attractions.

/ Testimonials

kind words from our market holders

/Stallholder Tips & FAQs

frequently asked questions

Men’s and Women’s pre-loved fashion and accessories. So…. clothing, shoes, bags, jewellery, scarves, gloves, hats, purses…anything you wear on your body! Also, unopened nail polishes, makeup, perfumes. There are endless possibilities. You may bring some new items, but at least 75% of your stall is to be pre-loved. Do not book a stall at our market if you are intending to sell only new clothing – this goes against the ethos of a pre-loved clothing market and it denies those genuinely wishing to sell pre-loved clothing the opportunity to do so. 

What you can’t sell is: all new clothing or underwear (eg knickers).  Bras, swim suits, slips are OK. No bric-a-brac, books, games, toys, art, candles, furniture, household goods, children’s wear, babies wear, toys, etc in your stall – our insurance does not cover the sale of these items. If you set up a stall with anything other than men’s and women’s pre-loved clothing and accessories, you will be asked to leave. No refund will be provided. 

If you are unsure, please contact us for clarification BEFORE booking as cancellation fees do apply. 

Markets are held on Saturdays and Sundays (see Home page for dates) and are open to shoppers between 10am – 3pm. There is a $4 entrance fee for shoppers.  Children under 12 years of age are free.

If you wish to sell at our markets you must pre-book your stall space.  You cannot just turn up on the day and hope to get a stall.

It’s really just measured floor space. On market day you will find your stall number and stall corners marked on the floor. We don’t supply anything else; unless you are hiring clothing racks from us.

When a market is released for bookings you can view the stall map by selecting your preferred market date/venue to identify your preferred stall. Depending on the market layout, you may have a stall either side of you or behind you.  Unless you are on a single line row or at the end of a row, access to your stall will be from the front only. 

Stall sizes and prices may vary within venues, so please familiarise yourself with the options before booking. The stall number, size and price will be clearly detailed in the drop-down menu on the Book A Stall page, and there is a link to click to see the stall map. Once you have booked your stall there are no refunds or transfers. 

If you wish to set up a marquee, this will only work at Seaworks where 3x3m stall space is offered, and you need to be mindful of whether there is any internal venue infrastructure (eg pillars, emergency exits, etc) nearby that may impinge on your ability to stay within your designated stall space.  Small marquees that will give you a visual point of difference are best, rather than the heavy outdoor market type marquees as these tend to be very chunky and cumbersome.

We generally open up stall bookings around two months out from each market.  If you have signed up for our newsletters (which you can do from the menu at the top of this website) you will receive an email alert advising when markets open for bookings.  Newsletters will be sent to everyone on our database a good 24 – 48 hours before we announce it on social media, so if you if want to be sure to get a stall, sign up for newsletters as stalls do sell out quickly. 

Please refrain from sending emails asking when markets will open up for bookings – sign up for newsletters and you will be alerted.

Stall sizes and prices may vary between and within venues. When a market is open for bookings you will be able to view the stall map for your market in the Book A Stall tab.


We do offer hanging racks for hire at $24 each and encourage you to consider this service. Please book your racks at the same time as you book your stall as our supplier has a limited supply. 

The racks are 1700mm high, 1550mm long and have a footprint width of 500-550 mm (depending on the style provided by our supplier). They are industrial strength and can take up to 100kgs of clothing. 

If you hire a rack it will be in your stall space when you arrive, ready for you to display your gear. Easy!  At the end of the day, simply take your gear off it and leave the rack in your stall space.

Full payment in advance is required and rack fees are non-refundable should you cancel your racks, not arrive in time to set up or no-show. 

It is not possible to hire racks on the day of the market. 

EDIT: Due to the theft of racks from our last market and some stallholders appropriating other stallholders racks without paying, the above procedure is under review.  

Our markets are indoors and undercover so will not be cancelled due to weather. 

That said, they are held in venues that are generally big open spaces so the quality or efficiency of the temperature control provided by the venue may be varied.  Best we can confirm is that you will be out of the sun in summer and out of the rain in winter, so we suggest you dress appropriately for the season.

Your stock for sale in a clean, well-presented condition. No holes, no hair or pet fur. No stains. Shoes polished and instep cleaned.  Take a good hard look at what you want to sell and consider it from the buyer's perspective. If the only reason you want to get a particular item out of your wardrobe is because its worn, has stains, is badly pilled or flaking, then it is doubtful someone else will not want to pay money to wear it either. Be mindful that shoppers will judge the quality of your stall and goods very quickly (and thereby decide if you stall is worthy of their attention) so if there is anything of obvious poor quality on display, they will move on to the next stall. 

Display Equipment. You need to bring everything you think you will require to set up your stall; hanging rack/s (if you are not hiring them), coat hangers, collapsible table (and tablecloth), displays, boxes, baskets, clothes airer, ladder – the options are limited only by your imagination and what you can fit in the car! Try to avoid buying anything specific for this purpose – be resourceful with what you have around the house.  Check out the Gallery page for examples of past markets. 

Signage. Spend some time creating decent signage so that people can see clearly what you are offering.  Grab some cardboard, string, sticky tape, textas, tinsel, balloons – whatever is going to help you stand out!  Check out the Gallery page for examples of past markets. 

chair is a good idea (it can be a long day) and, if you are selling shoes, you can offer it up to people to sit on while trying them on.

Float. You’ll need some float money so you can give shoppers change. How much and how you break this down depends on your selling price points. Best to have too much, rather than not enough as you don’t want to lose a sale due to not being able to facilitate it. Also, a shoulder bag or bum bag to keep your float secure on your person is a good idea. There are a lot of mobile payment systems available now via your bank, PayPal or via apps like Pin.net, Square, etc, however do be aware that they will charge a percentage of your takings.

Bags. Recycled/re-used shopping bags for your customers to put their purchases in.

Some stallholders like to bring a mirror to have in their stall, however we have change rooms and mirrors spread throughout the venue.  If you bring a mirror and it breaks, you are responsible for cleaning it up (broken glass cannot just be thrown into a garbage bin!)

You might like to bring a water bottle and snacks, but depending on the venue, we will either have coffee and food on site, or you will be close by a high street to access cafes. Just be sure to get a pass-out stamp on your wrist before you leave the venue.

And maybe, if you have one/can borrow one, a trolley to help you bring everything in.

Please do not bring anything that requires power as you will not have access to an electric socket.

Engage with shoppers. Smile and make them feel welcome.  Ask if they are looking for anything in particular and offer suggestions.  If the item they are looking at has a backstory, share it with them.  Be proactive.  We know it can be a long day, but you’ve only got one day to sell your stuff, so give it your best shot.

Be realistic with your pricing.  Try to avoid emotionally pricing your goods.

Please, don’t set your stall up and then sit in a chair at the back of your stall and not engage.  That’s no way to make a sale and there is nothing more off-putting for a shopper – they will walk right by.  

Create good signage for your stall.  If you have a point of difference (vintage, retro, specific sizes, specific brands, etc) make it obvious for people to quickly get a visual take on what you are offering.  Check out the Gallery page to see samples of how others have done this.  Shoppers need to be able to see at a glance what it is you are offering, especially sizes.

Try not to crowd your stall with too many assistants/other stallholders, friends, family, etc. The only crowd you want in your stall is a crowd of active, engaged shoppers. 

We understand you may have a lot of gear to sell, however try to avoid bringing so much gear that your stall looks overstuffed and inaccessible. Avoid packing your hanging racks so tightly that shoppers can’t easily browse what’s hanging there. Shoppers like to be able to get a quick visual sense of what you are selling and then be able to easily browse your offerings.

We suggest you set up a ‘test’ stall at home in the same space as the stall you have booked, plus consider the size and scale of your display equipment (racks, etc).  It’s important to remember we are strict on everyone keeping within the designated stall space (it’s a health and safety issue as well as being fair).  If you have a lot of gear to sell, book two stalls.

Come with an attitude of community. If you’ve set up and you see a fellow stallholder struggling, lend them a hand.  Offer to watch your neighbours stall if they need a comfort break.

If the market offers the opportunity to be involved in a social media campaign (eg #backstory) be sure to take part in it and 'like', 'share', 'love' and post the #backstory of your profiled gear to your own social media platforms. We appreciate not everyone 'does' social media, however it is the most accessible marketing and promotion platform for this kind of market event available, so by not taking part you are wasting an opportunity to encourage shoppers to seek you out and visit your stall. 

Of course! We just ask that there is one point of contact for us to liaise with (the person making the stall booking), that you provide us with the names of the other stallholders in your stall, and you share the important stallholder notes (issued 7 days before the market) and booking conditions with them.

TIP:  Experience has shown that a maximum of two friends sharing a 2 x 3m stall is best, any more than that and your stall ends up being too crowded with 'sellers' and far too much gear, making it less user friendly for shoppers to browse (see above tips re number of people in a stall and not overstuffing your stall).

Also bear in mind, with so many stallholders and their cars arriving within such a short period of time and in such a confined area, only one car per stall can have access to the controlled unload zones.

If you don’t want to share a stall, but still want to do the market with your friends, you can book multiple stalls that are side by side.  Refer to the stall map when booking.

How you price your goods is up to you, however our advice is you MUST be emotionally disconnected from what you are selling and you need to be realistic.  

We suggest you appreciate that an items ‘value’ is only relative to what the buyer is prepared to pay. Shoppers don’t necessarily care that you paid $300 for a lovely designer outfit which you have only worn once and have emotionally priced at $250 because ‘it is beautiful’ and ‘it’s X brand’ and ‘in great condition’. They see a nice outfit which, at a pre-loved clothing market, they may be prepared to pay $30 – $40 for. Take the money!  Let this outfit go on and have another life and wish the new owner lots of joy in wearing it. You can then enjoy the lightness of having released it from your possession. Arhhh….doesn’t that feel good?  

Similarly, we wouldn't discourage stallholders from selling 'fast fashion' as to do so is one way of slowing it down, but for it to have any value for a buyer it must be in perfect condition and be realistically priced.

If you want a good wardrobe clean out, price low and watch it go. You’ve not brought it all here to take it home again (although you can donate it to our charity partner at the end of the day – see below).

You will have a successful day if come along with the frame of mind to clear out as much you can and be happy with the money you make. We encourage you to engage in some good natured haggling. If someone has offered you a price for an item, you're three-quarters of the way to a sale.  Negotiate. Consider offering multi-buy deals. 

You may have a super successful market one time and a less successful one the next.  Markets are, by nature, places where total randomness, synchronicity and coincidences happen.  No two markets will ever be the same.  And that’s what we all LOVE about them.

Our advice to you is YES. Consider the shopper’s perspective – it’s always a more pleasant shopping experience knowing the asking price of the item you are considering as this provides both parties a starting point for negotiation. At the very least, we suggest you have items in boxes/baskets or grouped together on racks marked $5, $10, and $20 etc.

If you are sharing a stall with a friend, consider having different colour tags or creating tags that show the owner’s initials, item description and sell price. Then, if your friend is away from the stall (doing some of their own shopping, for example!) those left in the stall will know the details of the item and can keep the tag to show what was sold.

There are three options: Keep it to stock your stall at our next market, donate it to your local Op Shop, or donate it to our Charity Partner, at the end of the market.

The our Charity Partner will have their van parked outside ready and willing to take your unsold items. Just before 3pm volunteers will walk around the market and ask stallholders if they wish to donate their goods. If you do, you will be given a bag or box in which to put your goodies. Our Charity Partner will use the money from the sale of your stock for their humanitarian services.

The market cannot and will not be held responsible for how much stallholders sell or how much money they make at any given market.  What stallholders bring to sell; the condition it is in, the appropriateness of what they are selling v/v the shopper demographics on any particular market day, their price points, the way they engage with customers (or not), the signage and stall presentation, etc is all up to individual stallholders.  We facilitate the market event and spend considerable time and resources advertising and promoting it to a broad audience, however we cannot guarantee the turnout at any event. 

We encourage stallholders to tell people they are having a stall at the market and encourage them to come along, plus share the market event on their social media networks.  We provide social media tiles and flyers in the stallholder notes (sent a week before market day) to facilitate this. Stallholders must be prepared to promote their attendance at the market.

We will have change rooms (ok, they are pop up tents, but they serve the purpose) around the market, for people to try gear on. There will also be a mirror in the vicinity of the change rooms.

It is completely up to you whether you feel comfortable letting strangers walk off with your clothes or not.  We suggest you take a deposit or ask the customer to leave something with you while they are trying the item on.  Alternatively, ask them to pay for it and refund the money if they decide not to take it.  The market cannot be held responsible for any items which are damaged or stolen.

Seven days out from market day, you will receive Stallholder Notes via email (check your spam/junk folder if not received, especially if you have a Hotmail or Gmail account). You need to read these notes – they are important. The notes will include; set up/break down instructions, a site map, our contact details, your designated arrival/set up time at the venue, your venue access point and parking options. Stallholder arrival times are staggered to ensure everyone gets access to the venue in a way that is efficient, safe, and manageable for all parties. Please respect the timeline and processes provided to you by market management. They have been created in conjunction with the venues and they know the local conditions and logistics of their venue better than anyone else. 

Due to safety regulations no children under 12 (this includes toddlers) and no dogs/puppies should be on site during set up/break down.

Sorry – we cannot allow stallholders to arrive and set up after 10am – OR – pack up and leave before 3pm. No exceptions.

If you can’t stay until the end of the market, please do not book a stall. However, you are quite welcome to have a friend help run your stall if you need to be elsewhere during the day.

Stall fees and any rack hire fees are non-refundable should you cancel your stall (regardless of when you book), not arrive in time to set up or no-show. 

You may transfer your stall to someone else (for the booked market only) if you can no longer make it, however, you will need to communicate this to us at least 14 days in advance of the booked market date. The person you are transferring the stall to will be bound to our Booking Conditions. 

Requests for transfers within 14 days of the booked market will be at our discretion. Only one transfer will be allowed.

You need to call us! Make sure you put our contact mobile number in your phone before the day (you’ll get this info along with stallholder notes the week before the market) and that you have your mobile turned on with the sound up.  If you don’t call and you aren’t there by 9.30am, we will consider you a no-show and may move another stall holder into your space. Costs will not be refunded.  No exceptions.

It is the stallholders responsibility to check if there are any transport issues which may affect their travel time to the venue, eg roadworks, public transport delays, etc.  You may find these websites useful www.vicroads.vic.gov.au + www.ptv.vic.gov.au

If you are on your own, you’ll probably find that you and your neighbours will become quite friendly during the setting up process, and can offer to watch each other’s stall when you need a bathroom break or coffee (another good reason to price up your stock).

Each market has an extensive advertising and promotion campaign which starts around 2 – 3 months out and will run until the end of market day. We utilise paid poster and flyer distribution, paid and free online advertising and event listings, paid print media advertising in local newspapers + community listings, community social media platforms, collaborations with third parties, and any other opportunity we can find.

However, there is only so much we can do therefore each stallholder’s proactive engagement in promoting their attendance at the market is expected. We provide social media tiles and flyers in the stallholder notes (sent a week before market day) to facilitate this.  Stallholders must be prepared to promote their attendance at the market.

Please ‘Like’ our Facebook page and confirm you are ‘attending’ the market event. ‘Check-in’ to the market when you arrive to set up.  Like/love the Facebook and Instagram posts which will be posted regularly in the lead up to each market. The more social media likes and shares the market receives, the more shoppers will be encouraged to come to the market. 

We’re expanding and are on the lookout for good venues all across Melbourne and potentially regional Victoria. If you know of any great venues which are suitable for markets, drop us a line.

We genuinely believe there is a huge market (pun intended 😊) for more New To You Markets. 

Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Instagram and sign up for our newsletters to ensure you receive information about new dates and venues.

Parking availability for stallholders will be determined by the venues and what is locally available. Some venues may offer free onsite parking (one car per stall), while at others you may need to find street parking close by or use a car park. We will advise you of the best options known to us at the time in the Stallholder Notes which will be sent to you 7 days before the market date.  We take no responsibility for any damage to vehicles or parking infringements. 

If your question is not answered by these FAQs or anywhere else on the website, please send us an email.  We promise to get back to you ASAP! It’s best to do this before booking if you are unsure, because, as mentioned, cancellation fees do apply.

Email: info@newtoyoumarkets.com
Website: www.newtoyoumarkets.com

While we appreciate people use a variety of messaging channels, our preferred method of communication is email. If you send messages via any of the social media platforms there is no guarantee we will see it or respond.

View our booking conditions